Voice Cloning: Corentin's Improvisation On SV2TTS

By datasciencecentral - 2021-03-21


Working with the audio production and engineering industry, I often wonder how the future of the voice talent market will look like with the assistance of art…


  • Corentin's Improvisation On SV2TTS Working with the audio production and engineering industry, I often wonder how the future of the voice talent market will look like with the assistance of artificial intelligence.
  • minwSLS(xij,S(eij,tij;wS)) He suggests training the synthesizer and vocoder separately.
  • When implemented, Corentin used the LibriSpeech dataset that he thought would give the best voice cloning similarity on unseen speakers.
  • Also, he used the Montreal Forced Aligner for Automatic Speech Recognition and to reduce background noises from synthesized spectrograms, the LogMMSE algorithm.



  1. NLP (0.22)
  2. UX (0.08)
  3. Backend (0.07)

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