Optimizing Warehouse Operations with Python — (Part 1: Problem Statement

By Medium - 2021-03-19


This article is part of a series about Warehouse Operations Optimization with Python. (You can find: Part 2, Part 3) In a Distribution Center (DC), walking time from one location to another during…


  • Design a simulation model to estimate the impact of several Single Picker Routing Problem strategies in your Picking Productivity This article is part of a series about Warehouse Operations Optimization with Python.
  • ( This series of articles aims to determine how to design a model to simulate the impact of several picking processes and routing method to find optimal order picking by using the Single Picker Routing Problem (SPRP) for a two-dimensional warehouse model (axis-x, axis-y).
  • You can then link every order line to a geographical location for picking.
  • Calculate distance between two picking locations (5) Different routes between two storage locations in the warehouse — (Image by Author) This function will be used to calculate the walking distance from a point i (xi, yi) and j (xj, yj).



  1. Backend (0.13)
  2. Database (0.12)
  3. Management (0.12)

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