How to Prioritize Analytical Work — Part

By Medium - 2021-03-19


I am going to write a series of short articles about best practices for data science (or interchangably analytics). I strongly believe that the primary challenge to having a good data science…


  • 1 Generally Analytical Work Segments Well into Four Buckets I am going to write a series of short articles about best practices for data science (or interchangably analytics).
  • Learning how to prioritize analytical work well is the first, basic thing you need to create a well-functioning data science department.
  • priorities change every other week or even every week, which is a major red-flag because most analytical projects take 2–4 weeks in a well-run organization with a culture of creating documentation and applying proper QA to the analytical work To prioritize your projects well, you first need to place them into a small set of buckets: rather it typically is changing small parts to see if the entire thing is improved.



  1. Backend (0.3)
  2. Database (0.23)
  3. Management (0.18)

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