How Developers Can Easily Integrate Complex Analytics into Products

By datasciencecentral - 2021-03-22


Product teams have been integrating analytics into applications for many years. This has helped them differentiate their apps from the competition, lower cus…


  • Product teams have been integrating analytics into applications for many years.
  • Start by Thinking About the UX The first thing you should consider when integrating complex analytics into products is building an experience designed to deliver value to the user.
  • When done well, you can distinguish yourself from other businesses while reinforcing trust with customers in the process.
  • This way, you’re able to fulfill customers’ expectations and encourage users to ask new questions and harness the full potential of their data on their own without requesting help from your developers and IT team.



  1. UX (0.25)
  2. Management (0.14)
  3. Backend (0.14)

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