Deep learning-based cancer patient stratification

By Medium - 2021-03-20


Cancer is a major public health and economic issue and its burden is ever increasing. Only in the US, it accounts for $90 Billion in direct medical costs. It costs $2.7 Billion to develop a cancer…


  • Cancer is a major public health and economic issue and its burden is ever increasing.
  • Many drugs will fail simply because they are effective only on a subset of cancers, which was not initially recognized at the time of the trial” Multi-Omics Patterns For Clinical Variable Modelling One way to eliminate these problems is to accept that clinical variables, such as drug response, are driven by genome/transcriptome/epigenome patterns and not just by mutations of single genes.
  • Once we accept that, we have to have efficient methods for analyzing multilevel data sets, such as multi-omics, from cancer biopsies or tumor models.
  • In addition, 2) we can model variables such as survival and drug response.



  1. Backend (0.29)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.21)
  3. NLP (0.13)

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