Be Careful of This Data Science Mistake I Wasted 30 Hours Over

By Medium - 2020-12-30


The model had been training across several sessions for many days on an image recognition competition. It was a relatively simple, and scored about a 0.9 AUC initially — the metric for the…


  • How to avoid (and take advantage of) this blunder The model had been training across several sessions for many days on an image recognition competition.
  • But I had not made some sort of code error in which the model was trained on the test data correctly.
  • However, when the competition ends, the model is evaluated on the other 75% of the test set to determine the position on the final private leaderboard.
  • If we’re able, however, to use the 25% of test set to improve the score on the private leaderboard, this counts as data leakage.



  1. Backend (0.35)
  2. Database (0.16)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.15)

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