4 Technical Duh! Lessons I Learned from My Latest Data Science Project

By Medium - 2021-03-14


I am all about writing technical articles ✍️ with fully working code. Seeing people benefitting from the tutorial I designed is very fulfilling. In addition to that, I started to think about writing…


  • Data Science Real-life Stories With a touch of soft skill revelations… I am all about writing technical articles ✍️ with fully working code.
  • The file consists of 58 separate sheets and more than 150k US government contracts.
  • And seeing that Plotly Express lack some of the basic design capabilities, I learned that I will always use the Graph Objects module if I am working on a real project even though it means that I will spend extra time and “even my Google searches take me all these attractive Plotly Express implementations.” The lesson I learned is that whenever I start a data visualization project, I need to find if the client may need a backend solution to offer the highest value to his user.



  1. Backend (0.36)
  2. Database (0.23)
  3. Frontend (0.16)

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