The Language of Change: Novel Lexical Semantic Influence Network Identifies Innovations in 19th Century Abolitionist Newspapers

By Synced | AI Technology & Industry Review - 2021-03-20


Researchers from Google, Georgia Tech and Emory University examine the semantic changes in abolitionist newspapers and explore whether the papers exhibited leadership or were followers, providing an o ...


  • Researchers from Google, Georgia Tech and Emory University examine the semantic changes in abolitionist newspapers and explore whether the papers exhibited leadership or were followers, providing an overall picture of their network of semantic influence.
  • The proposed approach includes (a) a model to identify semantic changes in language using diachronic word embeddings, and (b) a statistical measure to quantify the extent to which each source led others in the adoption of each change.
  • The embeddings of the target word indicate meaning shift from the architectural uses to political uses.
  • Temporal embeddings can be learned even for words that emerge or disappear before the start or end of the time period respectively.



  1. NLP (0.26)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.13)
  3. Management (0.11)

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