Researchers Blur Faces That Launched a Thousand Algorithms

By Wired - 2021-03-20


Managers of the ImageNet data set paved the way for advances in deep learning. Now they’ve taken a big step to protect people’s privacy.


  • In 2012, artificial intelligence researchers engineered a big leap in computer vision thanks, in part, to an unusually large set of images—thousands of everyday objects, people, and scenes in photos that were scraped from the web and labeled by hand.
  • then, they paid Mechanical Turk workers to confirm selections and adjust them.
  • Prabhu says blurring faces is good but is disappointed that the ImageNet team did not acknowledge the work that he and Birhane did.



  1. Backend (0.34)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.33)
  3. Database (0.15)

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