7 SQL Functionalities You Should Definitely Know

By Medium - 2021-03-19


SQL is an important skill for many data scientists. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language that is very flexible and reads a lot like regular English. It allows for easy access to even the…


  • Getting better at SQL will save you time and frustration SQL is an important skill for many data scientists.
  • Aggregation functions There are lots of really useful functions that you can perform in queries.
  • Subqueries can be used within pretty much any of the clauses (including SELECT, FROM, WHERE, etc.).
  • The main query is selecting all of the columns for entries that have departments matching at least one of the department names in the list returned by the subquery.



  1. Backend (0.14)
  2. NLP (0.11)
  3. Database (0.08)

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