Give Your Business Users Simple Augmented Analytics

By datasciencecentral - 2021-03-22


When you launch an analytics solution within your enterprise, you are probably concerned about getting your business users to adopt that solution. If you can’…


  • When you launch an analytics solution within your enterprise, you are probably concerned about getting your business users to adopt that solution.
  • Features and tools like Assisted Predictive Modeling, Smart Data Visualization and Self-Serve Data Preparation allow users to get auto-recommendations, suggestions and guidance that will produce clear results – results that business users will not have to interpret.
  • The format for visualization will guide a user to the right displays and graphics based on the type and volume of data and other factors.
  • In short, the user does not need to be an IT professional, a programmer or a data scientist to get the results they need.



  1. UX (0.28)
  2. Backend (0.21)
  3. Database (0.11)

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