The Most In-Demand Skills for Data Scientists in

By Medium - 2021-03-22


I just wanted to start off by saying that this is heavily inspired by Jeff Hale’s articles that he wrote back in 2018/2019. I’m writing this simply because I wanted to get a more up-to-date analysis…


  • 2021 Results from webscraping over 15,000 Data Scientist job postings An in-depth analysis of the most in-demand skills from webscraping over 15,000 Data Scientist job postings.
  • PyTorch is a strong alternative, hence its ranking not to far behind.
  • After cleaning and manipulating your data with Pandas and/or NumPy, scikit-learn is used to build machine learning models as it has tons of tools used for predictive modelling and analysis.
  • Similarly there is also a large increase in skills related to deep learning, like PyTorch and TensorFlow.



  1. Backend (0.36)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.23)
  3. Coding (0.16)

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