You Need to Stop Reading Sensationalist Articles About Becoming a Data Scientist

By Medium - 2021-02-26


When I first started studying data science, I would read every article I could get my hands on about people who had done what I was trying to do: become a self-taught data scientist. These articles…


  • How reading these articles is detrimental to aspiring data scientists.
  • become a self-taught data scientist.
  • As someone who already has an education in software development and university level mathematics (otherwise known as someone who has some experience with some of the components of becoming a data scientist), I see a couple of glaringly obvious issues with these articles that get wallpapered with hope and the glamour of hustle as a way to get views and inspire people that they too can become data scientists in less than a year with no prior training or experience.
  • Over time, those pieces of information will transform themselves into a career as a data scientist.



  1. Backend (0.37)
  2. Database (0.24)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.17)

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