Tropical species are moving northward in U.S. as winters warm: Insects, reptiles, fish and plants migrating north as winter freezes in South become less frequent

By ScienceDaily - 2021-03-23


Climate change is reducing the number of sub-freezing days over much of the American South, providing an opportunity for cold-sensitive tropical species -- mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, tree ...


  • 1 2 Tropical species are moving northward in U.S. as winters warm Insects, reptiles, fish and plants migrating north as winter freezes in South become less frequent Date: Notwithstanding last month's cold snap in Texas and Louisiana, climate change is leading to warmer winter weather throughout the southern U.S., creating a golden opportunity for many tropical plants and animals to move north, according to a new study appearing this week in the journal Global Change Biology.
  • advertisement Some of these species may be welcomed, such as sea turtles and the Florida manatee, which are expanding their ranges northward along the Atlantic Coast.
  • Tropical species are moving northward in U.S. as winters warm:



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