Speeding up BERT Search in Elasticsearch

By Medium - 2021-03-22


In two previous blog posts on my journey with BERT: Neural Search with BERT and Solr and Fun with Apache Lucene and BERT I’ve taken you through the practice of what it takes to enable semantic search…


  • Neural Search in Elasticsearch: You want your search engine operations team to be happy in a real industrial setting.
  • Since indexing was done with a single worker in bert-as-service, the indexing time grows exponentially, while the search speed advances sub-linearly to the number of documents.
  • Vector query format for GSI Since I only uploaded 1M vectors, and experimented with 1M entries in the Elasticsearch index, I’ve got one number for the average speed over 10 queries:



  1. NLP (0.22)
  2. Backend (0.16)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.06)

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