The Education Industrial Complex: The Hammer We Have

By datasciencecentral - 2021-03-22


In a recent NY Times feature article, Noam Scheiber provided a pretty thorough picture of the mid-to-longer term economic challenges we’re facing and some of…


  • In a recent NY Times feature article, Noam Scheiber provided a pretty thorough picture of the mid-to-longer term economic challenges we’re facing and some of the alternative policies that the Biden administration may pursue to address them.
  • Manufacturing that has a high labor component is almost universally cheaper to do outside of the US, where the workforce is paid less (and where worker protections may not be as comprehensive.)
  • The whitepaper’s authors present the job of a librarian as an example.



  1. Management (0.22)
  2. UX (0.16)
  3. Backend (0.13)

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