Giraffes: The trouble with being tall

By ScienceDaily - 2021-03-23


Researchers have produced a high-quality genome from the giraffe and investigated which genes are likely to be responsible for its unique biological features.


  • The giraffe is a truly puzzling animal.
  • Both of these changes are directly related to the unique physiological features of the giraffe -- coping with high blood pressure and maintaining compact and strong bones, despite growing them faster than any other mammal, to form the elongated neck and legs.," Therefore, giraffes have evolved into spending much less time sleeping than most other mammals.
  • Therefore, pleiotropy could provide one solution to the riddle of how evolution could achieve the many co-dependent changes needed to form an animal as extreme as a giraffe.



  1. Management (0.23)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.09)
  3. UX (0.09)

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