Mixture Density Networks: Probabilistic Regression for Uncertainty Estimation

By Medium - 2021-03-20


Uncertainty is all around us. It is present in every decision we make, every action we take. And this is especially true in business decisions where we plan for the future. But in spite of that, all…


  • Uncertainty is all around us.
  • Loss Function The network is trained end-to-end using standard backpropagation.
  • But if we use an MDN with a single component, it will approximate both the mean and the uncertainty in the function Image by Author Non-Linear Function Image by Author This is a non-linear function with a twist.
  • Image by Author Gaussian Mixture Image by Author Here we have two gaussian components which are mixed in a ratio, all of which is parameterized by x.
  • Image by Author The histogram also shows two small bumps on the top instead of a single smooth on of a normal gaussian.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.36)
  2. Backend (0.16)
  3. NLP (0.12)

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