The root of all software design challenge: Independent or Dependent

By Medium - 2021-03-22


We first learn to code, then we learn software design and architecture. Then we are introduced to many ways to solve a problem. The article by Vijini Mallawaarachchi on 10 Common Software…


  • However, many a time, after solving it, we then realize a new problem arises.
  • the owner of Entity 2 will not be happy, as every time D wanted G to change, Entity 2 will need to change) Duplicate G in Entity 1, so that D can make any changes to G as it likes, and doesn’t rely on Entity 2?
  • ( Without the adaptor, the class is fully dependent on the dependent data type directly.
  • To better protect the class from the modification in the dependent, we can have an adaptor in between the class and the dependent.



  1. NLP (0.12)
  2. UX (0.12)
  3. Management (0.1)

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