Agile Is the Watchword. 3 Ways to Combat Data Volatility

By Medium - 2021-03-17


Accuracy is a misguided goal in data science because it's responsive in the face of unpredictability. It's time to target impact with agility instead.


  • Agile Is the Watchword 3 ways to be more responsive to data volatility Everyone, myself included, was so excited to be done with 2020.
  • Experts in the field are calling it the future of data science.
  • In the face of data volatility, prescriptive analytics ensures that you reach your objectives more effectively.
  • With this framework, you can deliver results more quickly and improve rapidly in response to new needs and obstacles.



  1. Backend (0.2)
  2. Management (0.16)
  3. Database (0.1)

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