Building an Algorithm to Trade Items on the Steam Community Market

By datasciencecentral - 2021-03-17


Machine learning is increasingly used to build trading algorithms: today’s machine learning algorithms can deal with incredibly complex problems, including po…


  • Machine learning is increasingly used to build trading algorithms: Steam is a popular online gaming platform.
  • For example, in one iteration we found that the agent finished executing with a portfolio of items worth 49,630 monetary units, but with only 454 monetary units in the bank.
  • We won’t discuss the precise methodology of the Deep Q-Learning algorithm here – but the net result was that, after completing the training and running the model, the total portfolio value was 15,273 monetary units – up 21% on the base model, and 4% higher than the optimized basic model.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.32)
  2. Stock (0.29)
  3. Backend (0.19)

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