Metric Matters, Part 1: Evaluating Classification Models

By KDnuggets - 2021-03-16


You have many options when choosing metrics for evaluating your machine learning models. Select the right one for your situation with this guide that considers metrics for classification models.


  • Imagine taking a 100-question multiple-choice test and giving the right answer to 85 questions.
  • When we discuss “balanced” datasets in the context of classification, we mean that your outcome variable is pretty evenly distributed between/among the potential options, not heavily skewed or “imbalanced” such that one or some outcomes dominate.
  • For a binary classification problem, this is the proportion of times the model predicted outcome A correctly out of the total predictions of outcome A (whether correct or incorrect).
  • However, that doesn’t mean that the F1 score is always the perfect metric for all scenarios.



  1. NLP (0.15)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.13)
  3. Backend (0.12)

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