Introduction to Data Engineering

By KDnuggets - 2021-03-14


The Q&A for the most frequently asked questions about Data Engineering: What does a data engineer do? What is a data pipeline? What is a data warehouse? How is a data engineer different from a data sc ...


  • The Q&A for the most frequently asked questions about Data Engineering: Sometimes, a great internal tool may later become an open-source product of the company.
  • For example, one of the data product teams at Lyft built a data discovery tool called Amundsen, which was open-sourced in 2019.
  • A company’s data is often stored in different transactional systems (or even worse, as text files), and transactional data is highly normalized and suboptimal for analytics.



  1. Backend (0.44)
  2. Database (0.2)
  3. Security (0.11)

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