2019 Best Masters in Data Science and Analytics – Online

By KDnuggets - 2021-03-16


We provide an updated comprehensive and objective survey of online Masters in Analytics and Data Science, including rankings, tuition, and duration of the education program.


  • Data Science and Analytics is a very hot field, and demand for data scientists is still growing strongly.
  • The Master of Business Analytics is an interdisciplinary graduate program for employed professionals that addresses the challenges of dealing with data analytics and business intelligence in the "Big Data" environment.
  • Built for students to gain practical knowledge that can be applied immediately in the workplace, this program is led by an accomplished faculty of active professionals who use real-world examples fueled by current business news.
  • The online Master of Science in Data Science degree from Merrimack College teaches students to solve problems using the latest tools and analytical methods.



  1. Backend (0.35)
  2. Database (0.25)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.16)

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