How to become a Digital Strategy Leader

By datasciencecentral - 2021-03-16


Who is a Digital Strategy Leader? A Digital Strategy leader integrates strategy, digital transformation, business model innovation, and various steps involved…


  • ADigital Strategyleader integrates strategy, digital transformation, business model innovation, and various steps involved in generating outcomes through the true convergence of technology and business processes with human values.
  • A prosperous digital strategy leaderis the one who understands the importance of the data and the inbound processes within a business to achieve the required business goals.
  • there is one organization known as Digital Strategy Institute as well as other organizations like Harvard, MIT, McKinsey, Bain, and Berkley which offer various certification courses for aspiring Digital Strategy professionals.



  1. Management (0.2)
  2. Backend (0.07)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.04)

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