Dr. Machine: Can it Diagnose COVID

By Medium - 2021-03-15


This article was written for MIS 285N: Cognitive Computing. Our team consists of Ella Akl, Saranya Nagarajan, Amulya Saridey, Haoyang Li, Han Yi Jiang, and Deepti Rao who all worked together to write…


  • Can it Diagnose COVID-19?
  • If we take a look at the df_metadata DataFrame that we just created, we can see that the image names are associated with a label which describes if the image is of lungs which are normal or have pneumonia.
  • Dense Layer is basically a fully connected layer, which describes how the neurons are connected to the next layer.
  • First, we need to find a way to balance the data since 96% of the data are with non-Covid data.



  1. Backend (0.4)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.32)
  3. Database (0.15)

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