Why Have a Data Science Portfolio and What It Shows

By Medium - 2021-03-15


However, most resources don’t discuss enough about the “why” and the “what”. Why work on personal projects and build a portfolio? What does a portfolio demonstrate, other than technical skills…


  • Thinking of building your data science portfolio?
  • In addition, we’ll discuss the various skills (technical and non-technical) and traits projects demonstrate so you can pick projects that better demonstrate your strengths.
  • And for those that are afraid of people being critical at your code publicly, my two cents worth is never to be ashamed of the code you write/release, we all started from zero and everyone is constantly learning in the computing/data world, see how to concatenate strings.” the way to learn is through hands-on experience.



  1. Backend (0.39)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.37)
  3. Database (0.18)

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