Enrich your location data without leaving your notebook

By Medium - 2021-03-16


Geographic information plays a major role in pricing for industries like real estate. The characteristics of a home’s neighborhood — its (dis)amenities, aesthetics, and walkability — all impact its…


  • Introducing the Iggy Python API Geographic information plays a major role in pricing for industries like real estate.
  • Of course there is also sales information, including sale_date and log_price.
  • Now, let’s say the existing pricing model predicts the sales price (log_price) for each home, using the rest of the features as input.
  • In the feature definition above, we’re specifying that the feature is derived from Iggy’s /points_of_interest endpoint (IggyPOIFeature), that it's looking specifically for grocery_stores, and that it will return the minimum (calc_method='min') distance to any grocery store within 30 miles of the input point.



  1. Backend (0.29)
  2. Frontend (0.16)
  3. Database (0.14)

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