Consciousness and AI. Georg Northoff explains how a good

By Medium - 2021-03-17


For the past decade, progress in AI has mostly been driven by deep learning — a field of research that draws inspiration directly from the structure and function of the human brain. By drawing an…


  • Consciousness and AI Georg Northoff explains how a good theory of consciousness could lead to better AI For the past decade, progress in AI has mostly been driven by deep learning — a field of research that draws inspiration directly from the structure and function of the human brain.
  • Jeremie Harris (06:50):So, the core, I don’t want to call it the mysterious function of the brain, but the core thing that the brain does that is dramatically different let’s say, from what most AI strategies do, you would say it’s the way that it combines these different timescales… By the way, is the saying true of… I don’t know.
  • Georg Northoff (11:44):I think the latter one, I would say for me consciousness is something very basic.
  • And I present you another one now in directions of what happens in your brain.



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