8 Things you should do instead of Assuming Normality to maintain your Mental Health

By Journal of Astrological Big Data Ecology - 2021-03-14


Here are 8 things you can do with non-Guassian data instead of shouting 'bUt CeNtRaL lImIt ThEoReM!'


  • It’s that ultimate assumption everyone makes.
  • ‘ There’s nothing wrong with using multiple tests and picking your favorite result as long as you pick the right one for the dataset size and dimensionality of data.
  • Even though that walk gave you all sorts of rejuvenating energy, you might need to really vent to a friend who can relate to non-normal data sets.
  • Think on your hike where your data comes from and model that process.



  1. Backend (0.37)
  2. Database (0.18)
  3. Security (0.13)

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