Building a Deep Learning Image Captioning Model on Azure in Python with Keras

By Medium - 2021-03-17


How to build a deep learning model on the cloud from scratch. This tutorial uses Python, Keras, Databricks, and Azure to train and deploy an image captioning model.


  • Building a Deep Learning Image Captioning Model on Azure What’s going on in this image?
  • In Databricks, the data is ingested via a mount point.
  • This step consisted of creating a “vocabulary dictionary” of all words that were present in the training dataset (this is the word bank the model draws from to create captions), reshaping the images to the target size of the VGG16 (224 by 224 pixels) model, and extracting the features of each image using the VGG16 model.
  • Defining the model and training it on data Sometimes in NLP, your training data isn’t sufficient for the model to understand accurate relationships between words.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.27)
  2. Backend (0.25)
  3. NLP (0.15)

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