Potential Impact of COVID-19 on 3D Sensors

By datasciencecentral - 2021-03-17


Charting a solid 7.2% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) over the forecast period of 2018 to 2026, the global 3D Sensor Market is set to see an improvement i…


  • Charting a solid 7.2% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) over the forecast period of 2018 to 2026, the global 3D Sensor Market is set to see an improvement in market worth.
  • Another significant factor driving growth in the global3D Sensor Marketis that it is used in electronics to improve performance.
  • as they are not only convenient but also more secure.



  1. Stock (0.22)
  2. UX (0.19)
  3. NLP (0.06)

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