CORD-19 One Year Later: Looking back over a year of impact | AI2 Blog | AI2 Blog

By Medium - 2021-03-16


An interview with CORD-19 co-creators Lucy Lu Wang and Kyle Lo of the Semantic Scholar research team


  • CORD-19 One Year Later Looking back over a year of impact with co-creators Lucy Lu Wang and Kyle Lo CORD-19 dataset co-creators Lucy Lu Wang and Kyle Lo look back at the year since the dataset was initially released.
  • Judges with medical expertise would rate the performance of different systems that provided answers to COVID-19 questions, which helped us figure out what techniques worked best.
  • CovidAsk from Korea University was the first question-answering system that we saw pop up within a few weeks after the initial CORD-19 release.
  • Come chat with us at the 2nd SDP workshop, which will be at NAACL 2021.



  1. NLP (0.32)
  2. UX (0.18)
  3. Management (0.15)

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