By GameByte - 2021-03-18


We've seen waves of cyberpunk games recently, but how does this one stack up? Here's our review of Ape Tribe Games' new release, Disjunction.


  • GameByte Review – Disjunction (PC) The last few years has seen a wave of cyberpunk games enter the market and it can be hard to distinguish the bad from the good.
  • I’m a big fan of games that allow you to paint a picture of the protagonists through the gameplay and what people say, rather than giving you a ton of backstory at the start.
  • Each protagonist has a unique playstyle encouraged by the abilities they have, while the abilities themselves are fun to use, even if you have to use them sparingly.
  • Sound in general is just used really well to help communicate to the player what is going on.



  1. UX (0.13)
  2. NLP (0.1)
  3. Mobile (0.07)

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