Developing an AI-based Android app for image annotation

By Medium - 2021-03-18


Big data and emerging technologies have a profound impact on our everyday lives, which is hard to overlook. Specifically, the amount of visual information — such as photos and social media images —…


  • Easy-to-use Android App for generating descriptive tags of images built with PyTorch, Kotlin and SQLite Project Definition & Summary Big data and emerging technologies have a profound impact on our everyday lives, which is hard to overlook.
  • Thus, the ability to automatically retrieve relevant textual labels of images allows to automate image labeling (e.g.
  • online catalogs), organize high-volume image content (e.g.
  • photo managers) and benefit the existing image search and sharing applications (e.g.
  • recommendation engines).
  • Additionally, there is no need to fine-tune hyper-parameters of CNN models, as they were already pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset (Tiny-ImageNet is a strict subset of ImageNet).
  • On the left, there is an overview of the initial picture selection process, that results in passing of the chosen picture into a private image collection.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.36)
  2. Mobile (0.22)
  3. NLP (0.21)

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