Inside Facebook Reality Labs: Wrist-based interaction for the next computing platform

By Facebook Technology - 2021-03-18


TL;DR: Last week, we kicked off a three-part series on the future of human-computer interaction (HCI). In the first post, we shared our 10-year vision of a contextually-aware, AI-powered interface for ...


  • Last week, we kicked off a three-part series on the future of human-computer interaction (HCI).
  • And the beauty of virtual typing and controls like clicking is that people are already adept at using them.
  • And it learns that, in the past, you’ve often launched your music app when you leave your house with those shoes on.
  • Haptics in focus While ultra-low-friction input like a finger click or microgestures will enable us to interact with adaptive interfaces, we also need a way to close the feedback loop — letting the system communicate back to the user and making virtual objects feel tangible.



  1. UX (0.29)
  2. NLP (0.16)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.11)

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