A guide to testing in DevOps and key strategies, practices

By SearchSoftwareQuality - 2021-03-17


While the early DevOps days frightened the testing community, it's safe to say that testing in DevOps is here to stay. Examine various tools and automation capabilities to expand testing in DevOps, an ...


  • Here's why testers and testing are such big parts of DevOps, and some ways to further incorporate testing for better software application development.
  • After all, DevOps is based on CI/CD, and a code delivery pipeline with automation at every stage introduces steps and processes that require tooling.
  • Prerequisites of continuous testing in DevOps Testers are the champions of quality throughout the DevOps process, because managing software quality requires much more than automated tasks.
  • These apps can determine the priority of a given alert type and make sure the alert reaches those best equipped to resolve it.



  1. Management (0.37)
  2. Backend (0.11)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.03)

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