Why using graph analytics for big data is on the rise

By SearchBusinessAnalytics - 2021-03-17


There's a growing trend of using graph analytics for big data as use cases for the technology develop across industries. See why enterprises are adopting this analytics option to explore relationships ...


  • Graph analytics is being used across industries for different reasons.
  • Traditional metadata and traditional analytics were designed to behave in a certain way," Beyer said. "
  • When you think about the [COVID-19] pandemic and disease management, all of the assumptions about how we were going to do things were no longer true, so we had to move to an experience response model."
  • Explore graph analytics use cases, what makes a graph database unique and the advantages of adoption.



  1. Database (0.44)
  2. Backend (0.29)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.16)

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