A Learning Path To Becoming a Data Scientist

By Medium - 2020-10-02


Data science is one of the rapidly growing fields that demand a data scientist growing up daily. As of October 2020, I can’t see this demand slowing down anytime soon. It is an interdisciplinary…


  • The 10 steps roadmap to kickstarting your data science future Data science is one of the rapidly growing fields that demand a data scientist growing up daily.
  • Exploring datasets and choosing the right one for your project is an important skill to obtain.
  • Time series shows you how time changes your data.
  • Natural language processing is an exciting branch that enables you to use the power of machine learning to “teach” the computer to understand and process human languages.



  1. Backend (0.39)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.34)
  3. Database (0.25)

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