NMF — A visual explainer and Python Implementation

By Medium - 2021-03-19


Gain an intuition for the unsupervised learning algorithm that allows data scientists to extract topics from texts, photos, and more, and build those handy recommendation systems. NMF explanation is…


  • Gain an intuition for the unsupervised learning algorithm that allows data scientists to extract topics from texts, photos, and more, and build those handy recommendation systems.
  • NMF NMF stands for Latent Semantic Analysis with the ‘Non-negative Matrix-Factorization’ method used to decompose the document-term matrix into two smaller matrices — the document-topic matrix (U) and the topic-term matrix (W) — each populated with unnormalized probabilities.
  • The Art of Topic Modeling The output of NMF changes each time you run it, and the topics are not resolved — the data scientist must infer the topic from the highest word frequencies per topic, using the H matrix.
  • This is a generative model where you can use these smaller matrices to reconstruct the original text.



  1. NLP (0.36)
  2. Backend (0.11)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.08)

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