How I’m Overcoming My Fear of Math to Learn Data Science

By Medium - 2021-03-17


I didn’t know much about the data science world until I stumbled onto Medium and discovered the Towards Data Science publication. From the first article I read, I was hooked. Data science…


  • Fear is no reason to not pursue a passion, especially if that fear is all in your head As someone who failed math in high school, I feel particularly qualified to write this article.
  • As I mentioned above, I failed high school math.
  • The process of collecting and cleaning data and producing scatterplots or histograms hardly requires advanced level mathematics, and can even be completed (in the author’s opinion) using the math skills you learned in high school.
  • At some point, it will be time to learn the why, but until then, I can get by just knowing how to properly apply the algorithm.



  1. Backend (0.37)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.28)
  3. Database (0.25)

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