The intuition behind bias and variance

By Medium - 2021-03-18


If you take a machine learning course, at some point you will encounter the bias-variance trade-off. You probably feel like you sort of understand it, but not really. Later you see these two words…


  • Bias and variance are often presented in technical terms, but they also have an intuitive interpretation.
  • Such models are said to have high bias.
  • So the sign of the error behaves like a biased coin.
  • In practice step 2 is almost always skipped, because step 3 can already tell us if we are overfitting and to what extent, so step 2 acts more as a description of what would hypothetically happen if our model were overfitting.



  1. Backend (0.34)
  2. Database (0.17)
  3. Security (0.11)

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