Maximum runs in Bernoulli trials: simulations and results

By datasciencecentral - 2021-03-20


Bernoulli trials are random experiments with two possible outcomes: yes and no (in the case of polls),   success and failure (in the case of gambling o…


  • Maximum runs in Bernoulli trials: Thus this scheme can be used to simulate the Bernoulli trials in question.
  • The Bernoulli trials generated with x0, that is the sequence a0, a1, and so on, constitutes just one instance of a Bernoulli experiment.
  • Record runs of Y zeros vs the position X at which they occur in a Bernoulli experiment Note that in Figure 1, the plot represents Y versus log(X), and b = 3.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.19)
  2. NLP (0.18)
  3. Backend (0.16)

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