Algorithms Are Not Sexist — We Are

By Medium - 2021-03-18


If you believe the AI that created male and female images from pictures of their heads, men typically wear suits, while women prefer low-cut tops and bikinis. It’s been reported in the press that…


  • The AI that famously created an image of AOC in a bikini was behaving inappropriately but rationally If you believe the AI that created male and female images from pictures of their heads, men typically wear suits, while women prefer low-cut tops and bikinis.
  • If you were to repeat the experiment but with images of people on the red carpet at the Oscars ceremony, the AI would surely conclude that all men wore black ties and most women favored revealing dresses.
  • And any use of that AI would reflect those biases.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.19)
  2. Backend (0.15)
  3. Database (0.06)

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