How to Convert an RGB Image to Grayscale

By KDnuggets - 2021-03-20


This post is about working with a mixture of color and grayscale images and needing to transform them into a uniform format - all grayscale. We'll be working in Python using the Pillow, Numpy, and Mat ...


  • This post is about working with a mixture of color and grayscale images and needing to transform them into a uniform format - all grayscale.
  • Average the channels An intuitive way to convert a color image 3D array to a grayscale 2D array is, for each pixel, take the average of the red, green, and blue pixel values to get the grayscale value.
  • Through many repetitions of carefully designed experiments, psychologists have figured out how different we perceive the luminance or red, green, and blue to be.
  • As you can see, the results are not bad at all.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.32)
  2. Coding (0.12)
  3. NLP (0.06)

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