Exploring Thai Food with Data. An end-to-end exploratory data project

By Medium - 2021-03-20


An end-to-end Data Project with Web Scraping, Data Visualization and Text Mining with R and Python


  • An end-to-end exploratory data project using R and Python Overview People need to know they have other choices aside from Pad Thai.
  • Before using Beautiful Soup, we want to understand the structure of the page (and tables) we want to scrape under inspect element on the browser (note: These words represent a collection of ingredient, mode of cooking and description that are generally combined.
  • Summary We have completed an exploratory data project where we scraped, clean, manipulated and visualized data using a combination of Python and R. We also used the tidytext package for basic text mining task to see if we could gain some insights into Thai cuisine using words from dish names scraped off Wikipedia.



  1. Backend (0.32)
  2. Database (0.21)
  3. NLP (0.14)

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