Reducing memory usage in pandas with smaller datatypes

By Medium - 2021-03-15


Managing large datasets with pandas is a pretty common issue. As a result, a lot of libraries and tools have been developed to ease that pain. Take, for instance, the pydatatable library mentioned…


  • Optimizing pandas memory usage by the effective use of datatypes Managing large datasets with pandas is a pretty common issue.
  • There is no difference in the amount of memory allocated, but as the name suggests, unsigned integers can only store positive values, i.e., 0–255, for uint8.
  • Finally, we can also specify the datatypes for different columns at the time of loading the CSV files.
  • However, it will be helpful to look at some other libraries that can handle the big data issue much more efficiently.



  1. Backend (0.33)
  2. Coding (0.17)
  3. Database (0.16)

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