Flood Detection and Monitoring using Satellite Imagery with Python

By Medium - 2021-03-15


This article helps readers to better understand the beginner concepts of Flood Detection, Mapping, and Monitoring using Satellite imagery with Python. This article shows how to detect floods by using…


  • Flood Detection and Monitoring of Madagascar Floods during 2020 using Satellite Imagery Analysis with Python.
  • Cameras on satellites and airplanes take images of large areas on the Earth’s surface, allowing us to see much more than we can see when standing on the ground.
  • Sonar systems on ships can be used to create images of the ocean floor without needing to travel to the bottom of the ocean.
  • Landsat8 Band Details Madagascar Floods 2020 RGB Composite Image of Madagaskar Floods 2020 created using RGB Bands of the satellite Imagery — Image by Author According to the reports, Nearly 10,000 homes have been flooded in the northern part of the Indian Ocean island nation.



  1. Backend (0.37)
  2. Database (0.18)
  3. Security (0.17)

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