“Adam” and friends

By Committed towards better future - 2021-03-13


Who’s Adam? Why should we care about “his” friends?!


  • Each of Adam’s friends has contributed to Adam’s personality.
  • Gradient at point A is the slope of the parabolic function, and by calculating the gradients, we can find the steepest direction in which to move to minimise the value of the function.
  • Thus, essentially, with Momentum, if the momentum factor as in eq-3 is β, then compared to SGD, instead of the new step just being guided by the gradients, is also guided by β times the old step size.
  • Next, for each parameter we store a state referred to as param_state.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.23)
  2. Backend (0.15)
  3. Stock (0.1)

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