Weekly Awesome Tricks And Best Practices From Kaggle | Towards Dev

By Medium - 2021-03-09


Kaggle is a wonderful place. It is a gold mine of knowledge for data scientists and ML engineers. There are not many platforms where you can find high-quality, efficient, reproducible, awesome codes…


  • Weekly Awesome Tricks And Best Practices From Kaggle Easily learn what is only learned by hours of search and exploration About This Project Kaggle is a wonderful place.
  • According to your needs, you can decide which features to keep and feed into your ML algorithm.
  • Here, we are counting each combination of diamond cut and clarity using pd.crosstab Using the .style.background_gradient with a color palette, you can easily spot which combinations occur the most.
  • But it would be better if we could display the aggregated prices by rounding them.



  1. Coding (0.26)
  2. Backend (0.13)
  3. UX (0.1)

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